Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm Back......

Observations of a Farmgirl.....

Okay, okay, okay.....
It's been a while, or maybe more than an while, but in my defense I have to say that I am actually surprised that I managed to post 4 blogs when I started this last year. I have always had good intentions of keeping a journal....and on several occasions have actaully started one with the first entry being a promise to be faithful to my journal keeping. About a month ago I found a "journal" that I started quite a few years ago....I was cleaning out a cubby in my closet....anyway, the first entry was indeed "the promise". I think that there were 3 depressing entrys made within a week of starting.........and then the 4th entry was almost 4 years later. Damn, I'm good!!!!!!
As I sit here and ponder my reluctance to write about myself, my thoughts, my life, I realize that I don't want to go back and read it. I am more a "living in the moment" type of person. The significance of any moment in my life is really only important to each person has a different view of things. The more mature I get....notice I did not say "the older I get".....I realize that the past is just that...........PAST. No matter what we do or how we feel, or how much we hope, we cannot change the past. It is done. Now I feel like I have to add that there's not a lot I would change even given the chance.
That being are a few things I would change.
I would have NEVER started smoking. What a nasty habit!!!!!
I would have started exercising sooner.
I would have embraced my fairness...and freckles.
Now that I have that out of my's the deal... I will try again to be the blogger I KNOW I am. I know I have "things" to share. I know I am funny, sensitive, thoughtful...........and darn it....people like me.
Now it's off to the shower.....and a Dr. appointment.

Affirmations of a Farmgirl.....

"It's choice.....not chance, that determines your destiny."
Jean Nidetch

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